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Publications -


A study of the vernacular architecture of the Halakki tribe

Research award Global Alumni Association of IIEST (January, 2016)

The Halakki Vokkaligas tribe are the inhabitants of the Uttara Kannada district, whose primary occupation is agriculture suffers from poverty. Hence, modernization is gradually becoming a cheaper way to live which is also a reason for the cultural decay. The significance of this research is that it documents the culture through the architecture of this otherwise forgotten impoverished tribal community who are in the path of extinction. 

Poster Presentation in the SAVA Conference,.... [link to full text]

Visual perception of space and parametric design:

The use of Parametric modeling techniques in the design process of buildings produces some characteristic formal expression which many times produce a striking visual interest. This paper outlines how this kind of formal expression influences visual perception but this aspect is not considered objectively in the design process. With the help of parametric architecture we now have the liberty to explore different design alternatives in less time and with more ease. If we could use this technology to parametricize the formal expression of a built space, the built form would be more justified. 

Visual Preference Survey was conducted to analyze the effect of parameter change of a landscape on emotions. Kendall’s W test was done to measure their unanimity (which was found to be variable for the individuals). It was studied that there is less unanimity in the pattern of visual preference, still, the most dominant correlation of emotional attributes are shown in the table in right.

The figure represents changes in parameters as follows-

A- change in shape

B- change in tree spacing

C- change in height

D- Ideal composition 

E- change in color

F- change in color and shape


An idea of exploiting BMS to solve the energy problem

(Globally Top 4 shortlisted entry in professional-level competition for an energy saving idea) BSRIA -Wiki “Make Buildings Better”, 2016


Building Management system or BMS is a common energy-saving technique that is used recently for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. However, it requires the use of sensors and other equipment which itself consumes some additional energy. I think, the problem at hand, to control the energy use, is to be viewed more strictly. Imagine the rate of climate change of earth to be increased a million times faster. All people of earth have come to know that because of prolonged excess energy use, due to excess carbon emission, the planet will be destroyed in a week. People would desperately stop using all environmentally harmful actions in that last week as a last attempt to save themselves. Just like a fuse blows out when there is too much electricity, I think the approach to managing building energy consumption should be same, i.e., we have to set some definite fixed energy consumption levels which if exceeded, the BMS should be programmed in such a way the power will be cut off to maintain the designed energy consumption level. This should be done according to a priority basis. Equipment without which a user can manage should be given least priority while certain equipment without which the functionality of the building is hampered (for e.g. refrigeration in a pathology lab) should have the highest priority. In a hot summer , in a residential building, if the air conditioning is used too much and the carbon emissions are very close to the designed levels the BMS should automatically give a warning and switch off lesser important consumption sources like dishwasher, or a washing machine (when there is already a secondary alternative to completing the function) . This kind of a system should be made mandatory to all citizens and while paying the electricity bills, it should become a legal offense if a consumer does not show his carbon consumption details (generated by this system). This kind of scrutiny will disclose any form of insensitive and irresponsible energy consumption pattern of users.

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